Dying Phones & Killing Pumps…Another Day In My World

Today was a day of new…

Scratch that, yesterday was a day of new. (I haven’t gone to bed yet, oops)

I will be making a diaper cake for the first time. I’m not quite sure how I got old enough to have friends with husbands/wives and babies, when did that happen? (If anyone’s ever made a diaper cake, PLEASE help!!!) We’ll see how it goes, I’m a little intimidated with the whole concept. Thankfully I have a couple weeks to accomplish this task, and when I do, there will be photos posted.

My phone hates me, well it did hate me. It went to the doctor last night and was put to its death. So, I have a BRAND NEW BlackBerry Curve! Sad news about it is that none of my contacts transferred, so I spent 20 minutes writing them down on paper. None of them have made it onto my phone. I’ve adjusted absolutely no settings, sounds, nada. If someone would like to fix it for me, I’d greatly appreciate it. Just so everyone knows, my phone did hate me, I did nothing to harm or upset it. None of my 9 BlackBerrys in 2008 were my fault either. And my laptop that died, it hated me too. It just so happens that technology doesn’t like me at all.

I hung out with my father for the first time with him being tipsy. I don’t think I want to do that again…he gets a little obnoxious…and it’s strange, he’s my father.

Medtronic called me today with some fairly good news. My pump is almost 4 years old. In my 4 years with my pump, I’ve gone through 3. The first died the first time I swam with my pump. Also, the only time I swam with my pump…being that mine isn’t waterproof. The second died when I was working out at the gym right before work. The elliptical computer didn’t get along well with my pump’s settings and the elliptical won the duel. And now I have my third. It’s only a couple months old, so we’re getting along nicely. I’m happy to have a pretty shiny new pump…though this seems to backfired. My insurance won’t approve an upgrade unless my pump is damaged (crack in the screen, deteriorated battery life, squirting insulin-which I didn’t know happened, noises when the pump rewinds). Also, it cannot be damaged until AFTER 12.29.09. So, a screwdriver might be taking on my pump on the 30th…the screwdriver will be winning, I’m confident. Then I have to call the help line and make an official complaint. From there they’ll send me a loaner while they work on getting the upgrade. THEN to get a CGM there are MORE requirements. I must have at least 4 “hypoglycemic episodes” a month below 50, test at least 4 times a day and they’d prefer I’m trying to get pregnant. I’ll work on getting low “enough” before correcting, I test 6-8 times a day and HELL NO will I be trying to get pregnant any time soon. But, I can’t do anything until after 12.29.09. So, I get to sit and wait until my pump dies…or gets killed. My parents offered to throw me in the pool, I’m thinking I like the screwdriver idea a little bit better. ….MEDICAL INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE REALLY STUPID….just so you know. (I’m incredibly grateful that I have insurance, SO grateful…but they make you work really hard to get what you want/need)

Moving on…

Geez, I’m a little violent tonight…dying phones and killing pumps. Maybe Liz should have bought me that Xbox 😦 Well she definitely should have, but it seems like it would be effective remedy for my current mindset. VERY disappointed.

Today marks 8 months after I saw my grandpa for the last time. I can’t really believe it has been 8 months. GrandpaIt was such a whirlwind when it happened. I saw him the 11th, my birthday was the 12th and he passed on the 13th. Losing him was much harder than I guess I had “expected” though that’s the wrong word. You always know that a death in the family will be hard, I just didn’t know the extent of how challenging it would be for me to sort through everything. He truly was a phenomenal grandfather. After having three sons, he had 4 granddaughters and he loved each one of us SO much. I feel so blessed to have been the oldest and to have had the opportunity to know him the longest of his grandchildren and to have been able to form an adult relationship with him. Perhaps I talk a little too much about him…maybe because the holidays are coming. He had such a routine at Christmas and that’s no longer, time to make new traditions and new “routines” I guess. I’m all for change…but it’s hard to change when you’ve had no choice in the matter.

Moving on once again…(back to the “new” things)

On Sunday (I know, it’s not new for yesterday, but still worth mentioning), my mom tried (unsuccessfully) to set me up with someone from her church. Wow. She’s never tried to set me up with anyone. I didn’t know it was that big of a deal for me to not be single any more. For the most part I’m pretty satisfied with the way things are right now…in that arena.

Ooo…So before I got completely sidetracked with the realization of what day it was, the direction of this blog was going to be my excitement of spending only $5.00 and getting TWO new things. I got my new phone (I’m REALLY hoping this one and I can form an amicable relationship) AND I got a new foundation. Not the kind you stand on, the kind you put on your face. I had bought one a while back, but every time I wore it I broke out. And while I don’t spend a lot of time talking….typing….about my, not vanity but, care of my face, it’s a big thing for me. Breaking out is NOT okay. So, I returned my old one and got a larger, hopefully better formula, of foundation for $5. It’s really the little victories in life that make me happy. I feel like I went shopping and got a lot of stuff, but I spent very little.

Another new…I had an appointment with my podiatrist today…dangit, yesterday. He gave me the go ahead to take up to 3500, or maybe 3600mg of Neurontin per day. Right now I’m around 900-12oomg/day. I think I may need more each month, so I might have to call him for a new script, so that aforementioned insurance company, will give me what I need for the month. I’m not sure what that’s going to do to my head and ability to concentrate on anything…but it’ll help other things. Yay for that.

Now that it’s 5am PST and I’ve shared the newness in the world of Ashley, my bed seems to be calling so I think I’ll sign off. (The graveyard shift is really throwing me off)

Happy Wednesday 🙂

About smashleeca

I am a lot of things...a Californian, a T1 diabetic, a Crohn's pt, a daughter, friend, former athlete, forever student, blogger, worker, and most of all life-embracer. That sounds corny...but I'll leave it. I'm just your average 24 y/o girl with a story to tell. View all posts by smashleeca

5 responses to “Dying Phones & Killing Pumps…Another Day In My World

  • Jaimie

    Hugs to you for missing Gpa…I know how that is, my Gpa had 4boys and I was the first granddaughter…and he was my first D-buddy…he passed last nov…

    I’m laughing at your parents comment about throwing you in the pool 🙂

  • Crystal

    It’s hard losing anyone. (hugs)

    Good luck with the new technology. Hopefully you and your new phone form a solid bond.

    Insurance companies are the suck. Waiting is no fun but if you get to take a screwdriver to your pump, rock on.

  • tmana

    I wonder if Mom trying to match you up has anything to do with Grandpa’s passing? It may make her feel older, and need to make sure the next generation is assured of. It may also make her feel less vulnerable for you to have someone “your own age” to help you manage your diabetes (when needed — such as sick days, bad lows/highs) when she gets older and is unable to do so…

    • smashleeca

      Well, my mother is very anti-diabetes (no drugs = no insulin, meds, tylenol, vaccinations, anything) and is CERTAIN I’ll never marry. We don’t even discuss my diabetes more than once or twice a year, which doesn’t ever end well, haha. She seems rather unaffected by his passing, he wasn’t her father, and they never particularly got along. But, you never know 🙂

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